Agency Support

TravelTrex GmbH
Bonner Str. 484-486
+44 20 336 533 13
Mon - Thu: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri: 08:00 - 14:30
Sat - Sun: closed
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here you will find the answers to our Frequently Asked Questions for our affiliate programme
1. Questions about subscribing
- How do I subscribe to the Affiliate Programme? Subscribing to the Affiliate Programme is quickly done and is very easy. Please select the type of affiliate you'd like to become, either "Web Affiliate" or "Travel Agency" and read the according affiliate agreement. After you have done so you can register with your personal data by clicking on the link "I accept the conditions of participation and want to register for the affiliate programme." If you have any questions you can contact our service staff any time.
- What type of commission payment do I have? When subscribing to our affiliate programme the method of payment is generally "direct cashing". Exceptionally we can also offer the "agency cashing" method, which however has to be requested with us directly. To do so, please send an e-mail to
- How much commission do I receive? The hight of the commission level depends on the type of affiliate agreement you choose. Web Affiliates receive commission according to a commission scale. This moves between 5 and 10%. Travel agencies receive 7% from the first booking. No minimum sales volume is required.
- When do I receive my commission? With the "direct cashing" method, payment occurs in the month after the customer has travelled. The commission statement is then issued to you and the payment takes place to your bank account.
2. Questions about the booking
- What are the booking options? After you have registered with our affiliate programme you have the following possibilities to book SnowTrex offers:
- Integration on your website
You have your own website? The TravelTrex Affiliate Programme offers you various different opportunities for integrating our product. After you have logged in to your affiliate area you can find various advertising media for your website, such as banners, logos etc. and you can also create links yourself. Via tracking codes, which are included in the links, we can identify the customers who accessed us via your affiliate ID. As our Cookies are valid for 30 days we can still identify you as the referrer, even if the customers book via our website at a later stage - and even, if the customer chooses to access our website directly, instead of coming via your link. - Access to booking procedure for agencies
Please go to the agency log-in page for SnowTrex. There you enter your affiliate ID in the appropriate box and click on "Submit settings". Please make the booking immediately after you have sent the settings to our system.
- Integration on your website
- Can I book directly after registering? Directly after registering, you receive a 4-digit affiliate number. The activation of your affiliate account generally takes 1-2 working days. Should you be making a booking directly after your subscription to the our system, please let us know. Thereby we can gurantee that your affiliate code is activated directly and the booking can run into our system correctly.
- As a travel agent, can I make an unbinding reservation?
- Reservations can generally be held for up to 24 hours,
- yet only until latest 4 weeks before travel,
- only one reservation is possible per customer or travel group,
- offers from our "Crazy Booking Night" can not be held by reservation.
- If a room is only bookable "on request", a reservation is not possible. When asking for a reservation, please note: these can only be made when stating your affiliate ID to our sales department via the phone, and the reservation only holds for 24 hours. After the deadline has expired and we have not received a reply from you (via phone or e-mail) the reservation expires automatically.
- What happens after the booking has been made? Do I receive information about the booking? After the booking has been made you receive a copy of the online booking via e-mail to the e-mail address which is saved in your affiliate area. If you have the "direct cashing" method as payment method, all further correspondance from our side will take place with the customer directly. In the month after the customer has travelled you will receive your commission statement.
3. Questions about the affiliate area
- What is the affiliate area for? The affiliate area, which is accessible via our Affiliate Programme Website helps you maintain your personal data. Here you can view your settings which correspond to your affiliate ID. You can access various advertising media and can create affiliate links for your website.
- How do I change personal information? You have moved location or have a new company name, or your bank details have changed? No problem: Your data is saved in your personal affiliate area. Changes can easily be made there. Once you have clicked on the "update" or "save changes" button, the data is saved to our system automatically.
4. General questions
- What is cookie tracking? Cookies are small data packages which are submitted by websites to the user's PC. Even after the browser has been closed the data packages stay active for a while, and a website will recognise the customer when (s)he returns. Our Cookies stay valid for 30 days.
5. Special Information
- Do you have special information for travel agencies?
- Our Counter Info can be downloaded here as a pdf file.