
Free cancellation and rebooking up to 32 or 16 days before arrival
From now on, you can book the majority of our holidays with the Flex-Option. This allows you to easily cancel your booking or a room free of charge or to change your booking once. And you can even do so up to 32 or 16 days before arrival.Please refer to the booking process to find out whether the Flex-Option can be added to your desired accommodation and whether this applies up to 16 or 32 days before arrival, as well as the exact price.
This is how you ensure the advantages of the Flex-Option:
- When looking for your perfect trip, use our filter for offers with an eligible Flex-Option.
- You can add the Flex-Option in the booking process when selecting extras. The price of the option is calculated automatically and is tiered according to the total price of the trip. You can secure the Flex-Option for as little as £35!
- After booking is completed, you will receive your booking confirmation/invoice and pay the price incl. Flex-Option according to the due date.
- Should you need to make use of a cancellation or rebooking after your booking, our staff will take the Flex-Option directly into account.